Sunday, August 31, 2014

Emotional extremes

We had quite the winter weather in the first 2 months of 2014.  Multiple days of mornings in the teens in early January (not used to 10 degree mornings in the south!) were followed by a day of snow at the end of the month.  And then February blew in with a snow/ice storm that essentially shut down the city for 3 days.  Now it's the "dog days" of summer and with humidity, the heat index temperatures are 104 & 106.  It seems to be a year of extremes, in more than just the weather.

I seem to have lost the majority of my patience with the actions of my mom & my ex-sister-in-law; they seem to make more decisions based upon what will "win" against each other instead of based upon what is truly best for the teenager caught in the middle.  And the teenager is aware of the shenanigans and adds to them, when it will result in something she wants or prefers.  The "adults" act as if it's a high school popularity contest.  I just don't have the personality to deal with the drama that is consistently generated.  Drama, tears, anger, angst -- one knee-jerk emotional reaction after another --  and not a single positive result from any of it.

Does social media cause major drama for you and/or your family members? Things like finding out a relative passed away by reading it on Facebook?  Or receiving texts because someone has been looking at Instagram photos & is upset because they aren't included in enough of the photos?  Or the anger over hashtags used by friends (or maybe even friends of friends)? I was "un-friend"ed by a family member because I asked that family member to move the debate/argument they were having (in the comments section of one of my status updates) to their own page.  Is social media encouraging self-obsession and developing it into the "norm"?

We said good-bye to Tux at the end of May.  The last several months  were physically and emotionally draining on all 3 of us.  Tux couldn't walk on his own and couldn't support his back-end when using the bathroom.  Mike was often up every 2-3 hours during the middle of the night taking Tux outside for bathroom breaks. We didn't want to end things too soon but we also didn't want Tux to suffer.  The day we said good-bye was one of the most difficult and tear-filled days ever.  Tux was so perfect for us and we miss him greatly.  After 3 months, we can finally have conversations about Tux that occasionally do not cause us both to tear up.  

Routine, "boring" days are very appealing to me lately.

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