Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Transparent - Nowhere to hide

I recently received the following: "Having two iPhones is somewhat dangerous and absolutely unnecessary..."
To me, the absolutely unnecessary part of that is obvious.  I'm struggling a bit with the somewhat dangerous portion.  

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of dangerous is "involving possible injury, harm, or death OR characterized by danger or able or likely to cause injury, pain, harm, etc."  So having 2 iPhones is somewhat likely to cause injury, pain or harm?  From increasing the likely-hood of carpal tunnel syndrome in the thumbs from texting on 2 phones?  From the stress of trying to keep up with 2 phones -- where did I put both of them, are they both charged, which phone has more data left this month?  Wherein, exactly, lies the danger?

This is one of the least drama-filled communications I have received from this particular individual.  I get fed up with the exaggeration of life's happenings in an effort to magnify the "plight" and "sacrifice" of her daily activity.  There is much talk about being a strong woman, most of which is followed by examples of what a victim she is to the actions of others (vendors who won't make exceptions to their policies for her, organizations that don't adjust their schedules for her busy life, contractors that give her a low price but then use inexperienced labor).   

I often wonder if she truly believes her drama and victim excuses aren't grossly transparent.  Her insecurities are left with nowhere to hide.

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